Monday, August 29, 2011

Side Show

Friday night I saw Side Show, a wonderful musical about Daisey and Violet Hilton the famous conjoined twins! The show told the story of how they went from "Freaks" to adored performers. I went to the show with one of my close friends who also attends Frank Sinatra with me, and we had a blast. It was a nice thing to do before being locked away in my apartment waiting for the Hurricane to start. Today I've got to get working on some new videos for our YouTube channel (be sure to watch our new video).


P.S. If you are interesting in seeing Side Show (which I highly recommend) you can visit and find out what night you will come see the show!

Friday, August 19, 2011


The past week I have had lots to do. Mostly monitoring the Facebook page to make everyone's life and email inbox more relaxed. I've also helped out with promoting the new semester of the Secret Theatre's Academy of Dramatic Arts, which starts September 10th. Speaking of we've created a new YouTube channel in order to show everyone how are academy works.

The summer is now coming to a close which is somewhat disappointing considering I'm starting my Junior year of high school. I'm not thrilled about starting "the most important school year", but I'll be going into it not having to worry about getting more community service hours. I'm so happy I've had this experience at the Secret Theatre, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what shows will be coming up.


P.S. Here are our new pages!!/pages/The-Secret-Theatres-Academy-of-Dramatic-Arts/251618854871333!/pages/Secret-Theatre/103830039699768